Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Weight: 136.8 (why is it always .8 and not .2, .5 or something...LOL!)

WW Chocolate smoothie made w/ skim milk
(We're having a breakfast at work, so I had this so I wouldn't be as hungry and hopefully won't eat too many we are at the start of a new week and I'll be using points already....go figure...I'll update the rest later.)

Breakfast (continued at work...)
honeydew melon
egg casserole (cheese, no meat) -4.5 points (Wasn't sure how to figure this, so I based it upon what is normally in an egg casserole- eggs, bread, milk, cheese)
Stayed away from the muffins and danishes.... :o)

Small salad tray from Schnucks w/
diced hard-boiled eggs
diced turkey
shredded carrots
green onions
1 container Campbell's Soup at Hand- classic Tomato
about a 1/2 cup Strawberries

1 lean center pork loin
(marinaded in a season packet with water & olive oil)
baked potato w/ fat-free spray margarine
green beans

Activity: Treadmill 35 minutes

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