Monday, April 2, 2007

Well, here I am. Wasn't sure what to call my blog, so if you can think of something better let me know. :o) I actually started following the WW Core plan (for the most part) last fall on my own. My sister got me started with her books. (She joined January 2006 and has lost 70+ pounds!) It's been a slow process, but it's working for me. I don't want to feel restricted or feel like I am on a diet, so I call it healthier eating and trying to change my lifestyle in the way that I eat so that I can do this easily for the rest of my years. I don't really know what I exact "starting" weight was, I didn't weigh for several weeks after I started. I just wanted to see that clothes were getting looser. :o) I do recall weighing about 170 last summer. I've been weighing periodically now, so I'll try to do my weekly weigh in with you all. The last few months haven't been very productive as far as weight loss, just too many things going on, but I did manage to maintain without gaining. I also walk on my treadmill about an average 4-5 times a week.

My main goal is to try to do really well during the week, so that on the weekends I don't have to stress about eating the right or wrong things, enjoy a few beers, etc. I don't do well with counting the points, which is why I chose the Core plan. So, if I post a menu or recipe, it's most likely going to be calculated as core + whatever extra points there may be. So if you are following the Flex point (or whatever they call it) plan, then you'll have to fugure it out on your own. :o)

So today, I decided that I would actually quit being a cheap-ass and actually join WW Online (with everyone else) so I could get the online tools. So we'll see how that goes.

I can't promise that I will post every day, but I do believe that I'll keep up with this blog better than my regular one (on my other blog, I just don't have things to say...) Anyway.....

Today's weight= 144 (scale read 142.8, but I think it's off about a pound so we'll say 144). I haven't decided on my goal weight yet, but I am thinking that I'd need to loose another 20-25 pounds (remember, I'm not a tall person). I think I'll know what it is once I reach it. Chow for now....I'll try to post my menu later....


Violet said...

Yay, Diana! Welcome! You have done so well, which is part of the reason I was motivated to join as well. Interesting to know that you're doing the Core Plan... I'll be interested to see the recipes that you post and how those are different.

By the way, love the blog title. Seems perfect.

Paula said...

Welcome to the club! It's kinda cool having this little blog community....