Thursday, April 26, 2007

Egg substitutes
Fat-free cheddar cheese
lean diced ham

Went to an all day seminar, so didn't have much choice (to an extent) but to eat what they served for lunch.
Sliced roast beef in BBQ sauce
1 fried chicken drumstick (didn't eat the skin)
1 roll
lettuce w/4 cucumber slices & about 1 tbsp of Italian dressing
1 slice Apple pie (okay, I had a choice on this one, but I couldn't resist and it was very good!) :o)

I wasn't sure of exactly what they made each thing with or what kind things were, so when I calculated the points using the food list I figured about a total of 18 points. That sucks....and because I changed my weigh in day on my planner to Wednesday, I lost my activity points that I earned on Monday & Tuesday. Oh well....

Grilled boneless-skinless chicken breast marinaded in a pre-made teriyaki/pineapple marinade (1 serving of marinade was 0 points)
Grilled fresh pineapple
green beans
baked potato w/ fat-free spray butter/margarine

Activity: 23 minutes on the treadmill- not as intense as usual (wasn't feeling real well, and had to talk myself out of skipping it all together...)

1 comment:

Violet said...

Are you allowed to pile up your activity points throughout the week? Is this different on the Core and Flex plan? It seems that on mine that I can only use points that I earn in that same day.