Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Weight: 133.6
I honestly didn't think I was going to lose anything this week, but I'll take the .4 loss. I didn't do very well over the weekend. I know I say that every week, but this time was a little bit different. On Saturday, I just couldn't stop eating the snacks. I think that's all I did was eat.... Part of it was actually being hungry at first, but the other part I think was for something to do other than smoke. Then Sunday, had cake & ice cream, etc.

I've been doing well with the whole not smoking thing. Friday was the first time I drank since I quit smoking. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Now on was the first time I had been around anyone that smokes. Seeing people do it and smelling it was a whole different ballgame. I'll be able to handle it though. However I have a confession....I had a cigarette late Saturday night. I convinced Bill to let me have one just to look at....and I did look at it for about 45 minutes...then my curiosity just got to the best of me. I wanted to know if it would taste as good as I remember it tasting while drinking or if it would be gross. Sooooo.....I finally lit it up (I asked Mike first, don't think he was really happy about it but said to make my own choice). It was GROSS! I had about 4 drags off of it and held it the rest of the time and then put it out. The taste was just not appealing, which is what I had hoped for.... :o)

Now the weird thing....In the last week or so, I have been having these very realistic dreams. Each day when I get up I have to think about if something really happened or not. I also find myself dreaming about me or Mike smoking and then fighting with each other about it. Not sure what's up with that. It's just weird to have so many realistic dreams, or at least I think it is.

Back to the diet....I've been doing okay other than weekends and I've been walking on the treadmill, except for this past weekend. day at a time....

1 comment:

Karen said...

Great job with the no smoking!! How is Mike doing with it?

.4 lbs is better than a gain. Atleast that is what I keep telling myself.

Weird dreams huh? You must really want a cigarette in your sleep :)