Monday, August 13, 2007

So, the weekend was not so good as far as sticking to "keeping on track"... Same old story, different weekend...although yesterday wasn't bad, I just didn't walk like I wanted to.

Today has been okay so far. Hopefully I'll be motivated enough to walk tonight.

In about 4 or so hours (depending on what time I make it to bed), I will smoke my last cigarette... I'm gonna do whatever it takes to really make this a success. I hope that Mike is able to stick with it as well, it will just be easier for each of us if the other one doesn't give in. I find that I give in way too easy with "bad foods" and I hope that I will not be that way about smoking. If I can make it until this weekend, then the real test will come.....when I will have a few drinks. We shall see....just have to deal with it one day at a time....

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