Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Weight: 135.2
I really felt the gain coming on this week. I'm not sure if I've been eating too much because of the not smoking or if it's just that I am eating too many things with points. I don't think I'm eating too much more than before, it's just that I am eating different things....not making good choices. The last few days I have been "shopping" for new recipes. I think I am getting bored with eating the same things over and over, which is why I'm not making very good food choices. Even though alot of the things are only a few's a few here, a few there and it all adds up.

I've been walking, maybe just not enough anymore. I've had the treadmill since mid-January and never tried the programs on there. So, the last two nights I did one of the programs. It was nice to have a bit of a change. The program does incorporate some running, which is a big change for me. I was actually able to run. :o) I do need to invest in a good sports bra though, it was a little rough on my boobs....LOL!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Weight: 133.6
I honestly didn't think I was going to lose anything this week, but I'll take the .4 loss. I didn't do very well over the weekend. I know I say that every week, but this time was a little bit different. On Saturday, I just couldn't stop eating the snacks. I think that's all I did was eat.... Part of it was actually being hungry at first, but the other part I think was for something to do other than smoke. Then Sunday, had cake & ice cream, etc.

I've been doing well with the whole not smoking thing. Friday was the first time I drank since I quit smoking. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Now on was the first time I had been around anyone that smokes. Seeing people do it and smelling it was a whole different ballgame. I'll be able to handle it though. However I have a confession....I had a cigarette late Saturday night. I convinced Bill to let me have one just to look at....and I did look at it for about 45 minutes...then my curiosity just got to the best of me. I wanted to know if it would taste as good as I remember it tasting while drinking or if it would be gross. Sooooo.....I finally lit it up (I asked Mike first, don't think he was really happy about it but said to make my own choice). It was GROSS! I had about 4 drags off of it and held it the rest of the time and then put it out. The taste was just not appealing, which is what I had hoped for.... :o)

Now the weird thing....In the last week or so, I have been having these very realistic dreams. Each day when I get up I have to think about if something really happened or not. I also find myself dreaming about me or Mike smoking and then fighting with each other about it. Not sure what's up with that. It's just weird to have so many realistic dreams, or at least I think it is.

Back to the diet....I've been doing okay other than weekends and I've been walking on the treadmill, except for this past weekend. day at a time....

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Week 20!

Cant' believe I've been doing this blog & weighing in now for 20 weeks and have been going back and forth between the SAME 10 POUNDS!! That sucks.....

Weight: 134
One pound gain, could have been worse....
Walked last night- 35 minutes

On a happy note, I'm still "smoke free"'s been almost 48 hours!!

WW French Vanilla Smoothie made w/ skim milk
1 banana

Taco/fajita salad- shredded lettuce, fresh pico de galo, fat-free cheese, chicken w/ fajita seasoning & topped w/ fat-free ranch dressing (made a salad out of last night's leftover dinner)
Chocolate Fat-free, Sugar-free pudding made w/ skim milk

Blue Bunny Health-Smart fat-free, sugar-free fudge bar (0 points)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"Quit Day"

Well, today has gone well...haven't had a cigarette since last night. :o) It's actually a little bit easier than I imagined. I think about each time I "would have" lit one up...but I don't think I've necessarily "craved" one. This morning did have it's challenge....I had to be out at Wright City Middle School to set up a table for work to hand out information at the teacher's workshop day. Anyway....I was in the car driving longer than I normally would be on a regular drive to work. Then had to drive from there to work later in the morning....more driving. Being in the car that long by myself, I would have normally had at least 3 cigarettes for each way! However, I managed to make the drive without and I was just fine. I even stopped at the gas station on the way back to get gas & a soda....I did not buy any cigarettes!! :o)

***'s going okay....I used some points today, but that had nothing to do with not being able to smoke. It was just what I chose to eat today & tonight. Anyway, I figure from this weekend and part of last week, I pretty much screwed up this week. We'll start fresh tomorrow after I weigh in to see the damage that I've done.... :o(

I did walk last night for 25 minutes and tonight for 35 minutes.

FYI- This also marks my 82nd post......the same number as on my other blog....and I've had this one for less time. Funny huh???? (Just thought I'd share that) :o)

Monday, August 13, 2007

So, the weekend was not so good as far as sticking to "keeping on track"... Same old story, different weekend...although yesterday wasn't bad, I just didn't walk like I wanted to.

Today has been okay so far. Hopefully I'll be motivated enough to walk tonight.

In about 4 or so hours (depending on what time I make it to bed), I will smoke my last cigarette... I'm gonna do whatever it takes to really make this a success. I hope that Mike is able to stick with it as well, it will just be easier for each of us if the other one doesn't give in. I find that I give in way too easy with "bad foods" and I hope that I will not be that way about smoking. If I can make it until this weekend, then the real test will come.....when I will have a few drinks. We shall see....just have to deal with it one day at a time....

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Friday- used a few tooo many points in the evening, but did okay during the day. No activity.

Today's activity- treadmill 35 minutes

egg substitutes
fat-free cheese
fat-free plain yogurt w/ splenda, vanilla & strawberries

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Yesterday I did okay, even though I used about 10 points (yes, right at the start of the week...). I also walked for 25 minutes.

Today.....different story so far....I blew it! I had 2, yes 2...not just one, Asiago bagels from Bread Co. They had bagels at work this morning and they were calling my name! It's been a long time since I had my favorite from Bread Co (float trip I had a plain one...). So, I gave in and ate one w/ cream cheese. I enjoyed it sooooo much, I took a left over one and ate it with my salad at lunch (w/o cream cheese though). Why in the hell couldn't I have been satisfied with giving into my temptation only once today...why did I have to do it twice!?!?! Anyway...I'm sure if I look the points up, it will pretty much put me over the top for the week and it's only day 2! Oh well, I'll just look ahead...there's no going back and try harder over the next few days....(which happen to be the weekend...not good....) :o)

Walked on the treadmill- 35 minutes

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Weight: 133

I'll take it. A 1.2 pounds loss, not too bad. Less than one week away from my quit day, let's just hope it doesn't start going up hill again.

More later....

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Ended up having a sandwich at 8:30 last night for dinner. It was probably worth 5-6 points or so. Didn't really want to use points, but I wanted something quick that didn't have to be cooked. Anyway, opted not to walk...I hate when I do that.

Today, Mike and I started taking the prescription.

Egg substitutes
fat-free cheese
Plain fat-free yogurt w/ vanilla, splenda and strawberries

94% fat-free microwave popcorn

Large salad tray from Schnucks w/ the usual
1 banana

Boneless pork loin chops, marinaded & grilled

Blue Bunny Health Smart Vanilla Fudge Bar (0 points)

Treadmill- 35 minutes

Monday, August 6, 2007

Tomorrow Mike & I start our prescription! So, next Tuesday (14th) should be our "quit date". Wish us luck!!


Egg substitutes
Fat-free cheese
1 banana

94% fat-free microwave popcorn

Schnucks salad tray w/ the usual
Fat-free, sugar-free chocolate pudding made w/ skim milk
strawberries w/ splenda

Imitation crab meat
Not doing so well logging what I eat....Anyway, I survived the weekend camping trip and managed not to go toooo over board. I tried a few things to cut down on the amount of points that I would be eating & drinking over the weekend.

- both nights had Chicken & veggie foil packs which only have a few points from the soup even though I used the 98% fat-free kind.
-both mornings for breakfast I had fat-free plain yogurt w/ splenda & strawberries. Then I pre-made breakfast sandwiches & heated them up on the fire. The sandwiches were made with egg substitutes, fat-free cheese, Canadian bacon, WW English muffin. So each breakfast was only 1 point.
-for a snack, I pre-popped the 94% fat-free popcorn & brought apple slices (didn't eat the apples though, Amanda ate them before I got any....oh, well...)
-for lunches, I had ham & turkey on whole wheat bread with fat-free cheese, lettuce & light miracle whip. Still had a few points there, but I cut it down a little bit.

I did still have alcohol, 2 somores (spelling?), a few cookies, a hand full of Pringles, & some trail mix. :o) Anyway, I think that I should still be okay, or at least not have a huge gain. I'll be back on track this week....until the weekend comes.... :o)

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I've actually logged this on the WW site! First time in months!

WW Strawberry Banana Smoothie made w/ skim milk
1 banana

1 banana (yes, another one)

Large salad tray from Schnucks
w/ my usual toppings (don't feel like listing them...)
Sugar-free, Fat-free Chocolate pudding made w/ skim milk

Oven Fries ( the one I've talked about on here....)
CBLT Sandwich w/slice of fat-free cheese & fat-free Miracle Whip on toasted whole-wheat bread (2 pts. for the bread)
(CBLT= Canadian Bacon, Lettuce & Tomato) :o)

Activity: Treadmill 35 minutes (2 activity points)

Goal is to get back to where I was the day before we left for Mexico, by the time my sister decides on bridesmaid the rate she's going I should have about a month to do so. :o)
Weight: 134.2
Loss of 0.4......better than gaining I guess. :o) The indulging just doesn't pay off...LOL! Just need to try to make it through one day at a time. I'm basically where I was at on week 7. I'm not liking all this up & down stuff...I just like the down part....
Didn't walk last night, just tired. I haven't been sleeping very well the past few nights, not sure why. I just keep waking up too much through the night.