Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Well, tomorrow we'll find out just how much I gained over the float trip weekend (started Wednesday night thru Sunday night)! Now that the "major festivities" are out of the way, I can get back on track and just deal with the one or two bad weekend nights/events (rather than longer periods, etc...Mexico, DF 2007, etc.)

It's very important now for me to get back on track since in the next few weeks I'll be starting another personal challenge......to quit smoking. I think Mike & I are going to go with a prescription called Chantix. I've already called my doctor and asked him to write me a prescription, now I've got to get Mike an appointment to see a doctor in order to get himself a prescription also. The downside.....insurance does not cover it, but in the long run we'll save SO much money (about $150.00-200.00 a month!!!) in the future months and add a few years to our lives hopefully. :o) (just think....it won't take long to save for another vacation!) So, now this blog will not only be about my dieting, it will also be about my new challenge to quit smoking.

I just hope that I can deal with the dieting and trying to quit smoking without gaining too much weight. I have a feeling that the next couple of months may be a up & down battle on my weight. Although, I think the hardest part at first will be the drinking, so I may not drink too much at first until I get used to it. We'll see. I'll let you all know when we have our "quit date" and we (both Mike & I) also ask for your support. Please, Slap me when I beg someone for a cigarette! (okay, not really, but just talk me out of it.....) We'll just have to take it one day at a time...

I think I'll go have a cigarette now.... LOL!

As you noticed, I decided to change my blog to be viewed only by invited readers. Why? Not entirely sure, but just felt that I wanted to.


Violet said...

Good luck with the quitting smoking. I know you can do it!

I'm with you on having the blog set up for invited readers only... I don't like everyone having access to mine, either.

Karen said...

Good Luck quitting smoking. If it works for you (which I know it will) then I am going to do the same thing after I lose my weight. I don't think I have enough will power to try just yet.