Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Weight: 135.4
This week wasn't any better with all the "festivities" going on. I just haven't cared much what I eat or not. I did do pretty good while at work & such over the course of the week. Ate my normal for breakfast & lunch pretty much, but the evenings & weekends were pretty much a different story. Today's not going to be any better. I still haven't motivated myself to getting back to my walking routine. I was just too busy at the end of last week trying to get ready for the party and get laundry done. And so far this week I was just too tired and wanted to relax. Anyway....we'll see if I can get started again tomorrow. I would like to loose what I gained on vacation by the float trip, if not by the end of the month. That's my goal. :o)

Happy 4th of July!!

1 comment:

Violet said...

I know what you're saying, D... I'm having a hard time this summer getting into any type of regular routine. The good thing about work is that I have to bring my lunch and then eat what I bring. No option to munch on stuff in the pantry or hop out to grab something at a restaurant...