Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Weight: 134
Down 1.4 more....better than nothing. This week wasn't any better than the last.... too busy, eating the wrong things (socially), not getting my walks in as much. Hopefully, I'll be get back on track after the float trip, we'll see. I would have just thought that I would have lost more this week & last just by half way getting back on track and drastically decreasing the amount I ate from what I was eating on vacation. (I ate a lot on vacation...)
I managed to get 3 walks in this week- Thursday, Saturday and Monday. Just couldn't get motivated on Sunday and then last night I didn't have time since we were picking Amanda up from the airport.
I've been eating pretty good during the day at work and had some decent dinners, it's just that we went out to eat twice and went to a couple of get-togethers. But those things happen year round and I'm not giving those things up, so this is just a slow process. I will not be able to loose what I gained on vacation before next week as I had hoped, but hopefully by the end of the month, if not mid August. We'll see.

1 comment:

Karen said...

1.4 pounds is great! Especially since you didn't stick to the diet.

After the float trip I'll really have to step it up too. I know I will gain some then.