Monday, July 30, 2007

I'm really having a tough time getting strict with myself. I am still indulging way too often when I'm out or whatever. That's my goal to work on this week. I walked Thursday night (40 min.) and Sunday morning (35 min.). This weekend we'll be going camping again, however this time I have planned a little bit of a healthier menu for myself, so we'll see how that goes.

We'll be setting our quit date soon. I am really getting nervous about it, just not sure how I'll do. However on the reverse side, I am excited about it also. Weird, I know....

More later....

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Weight: 134.6
Almost 2 pounds....the gain wasn't as much as I thought it would be though. I would just like to get back to where I was at week 12. I need to stop this up and down and start making some progress... :o)

Walked last night on the treadmill for 35 minutes.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Well, tomorrow we'll find out just how much I gained over the float trip weekend (started Wednesday night thru Sunday night)! Now that the "major festivities" are out of the way, I can get back on track and just deal with the one or two bad weekend nights/events (rather than longer periods, etc...Mexico, DF 2007, etc.)

It's very important now for me to get back on track since in the next few weeks I'll be starting another personal quit smoking. I think Mike & I are going to go with a prescription called Chantix. I've already called my doctor and asked him to write me a prescription, now I've got to get Mike an appointment to see a doctor in order to get himself a prescription also. The does not cover it, but in the long run we'll save SO much money (about $150.00-200.00 a month!!!) in the future months and add a few years to our lives hopefully. :o) (just won't take long to save for another vacation!) So, now this blog will not only be about my dieting, it will also be about my new challenge to quit smoking.

I just hope that I can deal with the dieting and trying to quit smoking without gaining too much weight. I have a feeling that the next couple of months may be a up & down battle on my weight. Although, I think the hardest part at first will be the drinking, so I may not drink too much at first until I get used to it. We'll see. I'll let you all know when we have our "quit date" and we (both Mike & I) also ask for your support. Please, Slap me when I beg someone for a cigarette! (okay, not really, but just talk me out of it.....) We'll just have to take it one day at a time...

I think I'll go have a cigarette now.... LOL!

As you noticed, I decided to change my blog to be viewed only by invited readers. Why? Not entirely sure, but just felt that I wanted to.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Weight: 132.8
Didn't have time to post yesterday, but I did pretty good eating and walked 25 minutes on the treadmill. I probably won't have time tonight to work in a walk and will have to get back to it on Monday. Besides the drinking, this weekend shouldn't be entirely too bad, nothing like Mexico. So I don't see a big gain next week, possibly just a small one. :o)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Today was much better....

WW Chocolate Smoothie made w/ skim milk
1 banana
a slice of cantaloupe

grilled chicken thigh (worth some points since it's dark meat, but I didn't eat the skin, so it shouldn't be much)
1 banana
chocolate pudding- fat free, sugar free made w/ skim milk

strawberries sprinkled w/ Splenda

Dinner (actually more of a snack):
Imitation lobster meat

After we got back from our errands, I didn't feel like eating since it was getting late. If I ate, I wouldn't want to walk since I don't like to walk on a full belly. So, I walked instead. :o)

Activity: Mowed the grass and walked on treadmill 25 minutes

Blue Bunny Health Smart Vanilla Fudge bar (fat-free, sugar-free)- 0 points

Wow! I actually posted what I ate.... :o)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

This week isn't going much better.... however, I did walk on Thursday night and tonight. After the float trip I have got to get myself back on the track for real. I would like to lose the rest of what I need to lose by Christmas/beginning of January. My sister got engaged over the weekend and they are looking at possibly a date in January! Assuming that I will be in the wedding, I want to be able to look great in my dress. :o)
We still have a lot of events/social gatherings over the next 2-3 months, so I am going to have to get back to being really, really good during the week. I know I keep saying that, but this time I mean it. I don't know why, but ever since we got back from Mexico, I've had this "whatever" attitude more often that before about what I eat. I still try to eat the right things most of the time, but I am still giving in wwaayyy toooo much lately, compared to what I used to. Shame, shame...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Weight: 134
Down 1.4 more....better than nothing. This week wasn't any better than the last.... too busy, eating the wrong things (socially), not getting my walks in as much. Hopefully, I'll be get back on track after the float trip, we'll see. I would have just thought that I would have lost more this week & last just by half way getting back on track and drastically decreasing the amount I ate from what I was eating on vacation. (I ate a lot on vacation...)
I managed to get 3 walks in this week- Thursday, Saturday and Monday. Just couldn't get motivated on Sunday and then last night I didn't have time since we were picking Amanda up from the airport.
I've been eating pretty good during the day at work and had some decent dinners, it's just that we went out to eat twice and went to a couple of get-togethers. But those things happen year round and I'm not giving those things up, so this is just a slow process. I will not be able to loose what I gained on vacation before next week as I had hoped, but hopefully by the end of the month, if not mid August. We'll see.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

WW Strawberry-Banana Smoothie made w/ skim milk
1 banana

94% fat-free microwave popcorn

Small salad from Schnucks w/ the usual
(this is the bad part...) 1 chicken salad sandwich on wheat bread from Schnucks
I am not sure how many points and I am not sure why in the hell I talked myself into a sandwich! But I guess it was better that a cheeseburger or fries.... :o)

1 banana

grilled chicken breast (boneless, skinless)
grilled veggies (zucchini, yellow squash, onions, & green peppers)
baked potato w/ fat- free margarine

Activity: treadmill 26 minutes (YES! I actually walked! Hadn't been on the treadmill since June 18th!)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Weight: 135.4
This week wasn't any better with all the "festivities" going on. I just haven't cared much what I eat or not. I did do pretty good while at work & such over the course of the week. Ate my normal for breakfast & lunch pretty much, but the evenings & weekends were pretty much a different story. Today's not going to be any better. I still haven't motivated myself to getting back to my walking routine. I was just too busy at the end of last week trying to get ready for the party and get laundry done. And so far this week I was just too tired and wanted to relax. Anyway....we'll see if I can get started again tomorrow. I would like to loose what I gained on vacation by the float trip, if not by the end of the month. That's my goal. :o)

Happy 4th of July!!