Tuesday, June 5, 2007

This weekend wasn't that great as far as the "diet" goes. I didn't make my walk on Friday night as planned, but did walk on Saturday morning. I didn't eat much during the day on Saturday before the party and didn't eat too terrible at the party either. It was just the drinking part that wasn't good. Then on Sunday, I didn't eat anything until I had a small snack (crab meat) at about 4:00. It was our lazy day, besides me taking time to go to Chesterfield for a little bit to visit New York & Co and H&M. That evening neither of us wanted to go to the store or find something to eat....so, we ordered pizza. Bad, bad, bad.....
Monday and today were back on track and I walked last night and plan to walk again this evening. Tomorrow is weigh-in day, so we'll see. The bad part is that today I am already starting to get that "bloated" feeling for what will be coming up next week....
I have been really bad about recording anything on my Weight Watchers online account, hopefully I can get back to that. I think that helps even thought I have been pretty good about blogging about it (up until last week).

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