Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I'm a Spaz....

Okay, you don't have to agree.... Anyway, I am going through my "spaz out" phase with less than a week until vacation!! I am either not liking things that I previously bought, can't decide what goes with what, if I have enough clothes, if the clothes I have are the right "attire", etc. Soooo...I am shopping, shopping and shopping some more. Plus freaking out about the time I have. I think I am just worrying too much. Part of the problem was that I tried on several things that I previously bought over the last month within the hour Sunday of eating Chinese. I was so bloated and things just weren't looking right, so I thought I had to buy more things.... Tonight I tried on some new things, plus the old ones (that I tried on Sunday night) and things were looking better. Now...I lie the old things and need to return some of the new things....I think. I just can't make a decision! Why do I do this to myself? I did this last time too. (I'm juat gonna have to stick with the swimsuits though...LOL!) I'm a spaz!


Paula said...

Look at you hitting go girl.

I know what you mean...I still trying to figure out how I'm going to shop between now and the time we leave....I think tomorrow morning is looking good.

Isn't it funny how we buy all these new clothes for vacation?

Karen said...

I say keep everything. You deserve it!