Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Weight: 141.4
So much for getting back on track....Friday night we went out to eat, Saturday I had some of the leftovers, ate a bunch of junk at Em's baby shower and afterwards, Sunday wasn't any better, and Monday we had a food day at work...which carried over to Tuesday since there were leftovers. I ate a lot of things I shouldn't have.

Anyway...goal is to truly get back into this again or my summer clothes I bought last year aren't going to fit! Need to drink more water, control the urge to eat things I am not supposed to and continue my exercising. Yesterday was the first Abs Blast class. It was good and I think it will help, but I wish it was more than once a week. Maybe I can get myself to do some of the exercises at home. We'll see.

Egg substitutes
fat-free cheese
cantaloupe, honeydew melon & a few grapes (fruit left over from food day)

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