Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Weight: 139.4
I'm doing well with getting my exercise in, but apparently that's just not enough. I'm not doing the greatest on eating the best things, but I'm not completely going off the mark either. I need to be a little more strict with my eating choices during the week, so that I don't have to worry too much over the weekends when we have plans. That seemed to work out okay last year.

More later...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Another week gone by....

Weight: 138.6
Not bad...I'll take the loss, even thought I'm not quite sure I really did well enough this past week. Anyway, had my first Ab class last week and boy was I sore for a few days. It didn't really hit me until about 24+ hours later. The Booty Blast class was good too, fortunately I wasn't as sore. I missed the 2nd week of the Ab class since it snowed yesterday, we just didn't make it to the Y.

Today- had my normal for breakfast and then Subway for lunch. Then came dinner....we didn't really have anything to fix (I really need to go to the store...), so we ordered pizza. But hopefully it won't all end up in my mid-section...I did manage to get my walk/run in for 26 minutes. (Cut it short to say good night to Amanda.)

Still need to meet that goal of drinking more water. I've been drinking more Crystal Light here at home to give me a little more "water" in take. That's cut down on the amount of diet coke I drink too.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Weight: 141.4
So much for getting back on track....Friday night we went out to eat, Saturday I had some of the leftovers, ate a bunch of junk at Em's baby shower and afterwards, Sunday wasn't any better, and Monday we had a food day at work...which carried over to Tuesday since there were leftovers. I ate a lot of things I shouldn't have.

Anyway...goal is to truly get back into this again or my summer clothes I bought last year aren't going to fit! Need to drink more water, control the urge to eat things I am not supposed to and continue my exercising. Yesterday was the first Abs Blast class. It was good and I think it will help, but I wish it was more than once a week. Maybe I can get myself to do some of the exercises at home. We'll see.

Egg substitutes
fat-free cheese
cantaloupe, honeydew melon & a few grapes (fruit left over from food day)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Trying to get back on track.....once more....

Well, here I am again vowing to get back on track. Weighed myself this morning- 138. Not too bad. I've managed to stay within 10 pounds going back and forth. I really think that it's all going to my tummy every time I loose it and then gain it back....seems that even though I'm still at a decent weight, that my belly is bigger! I'll have to work on that...

I think the only thing that has kept me from gaining a ton of weight with the way I've eaten over the last 6 months is the regular exercise. If I wasn't doing that, I think I'd be back to my old self again. Anyway, I gotta get back down to where I was right before our Mexico Trip last summer and then continue to try to reach my goal.

Since we're members of the Y now, I'm going to sign up for two classes that are going on while Amanda is at her swim practice. Normally, I go & work out, but these classes are only 25 minutes each so I am going to catch those first and then work out the remaining time of practice. Tuesdays will be Ab Blast and Thursdays will be Booty Blast. :o)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Getting back on track.....

Well, I decided to take a break for a little bit from weighing in, keeping track of what I eat, etc. Didn't expect it to be this long, but here I am again! I am still smoke free and only had a few more instances where I've insisted on having a cigarette while drinking. However, I haven't had one since the night of our Halloween Party (10/27), it's been almost a month! I am amazed at how I've seemed to "maintain" my weight while in the process of quitting. I feel like I've gained a ton of weight, but apparently just a few pounds. Now I really want to concentrate on getting back on track.

Amanda has joined the swim team at the YMCA, so we've become members. I'll be working out while she's at her practices 2-3 times a week. Last night was my 1st of 2 orientations for the weight machines. I'll be doing weights and a little bit of cardio while I'm there and still doing the treadmill at home on other days. Hopefully the weights will help with toning and burning more fat. :o)

Today's Weight: 137.8

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Weight: 135.4
This has got to stop! Another gain....but at least it was only .2 this time. Anyway....made it through the holiday weekend....
Didn't get too much exercise in, but we will try to get moving again this week. :o)

Well, this past Saturday I had another "episode" with the whole not smoking thing....had a few drags off of Cathy's cigarette after trying to "borrow" a cigarette from someone else. I had managed to be talked into NOT lighting that one and putting it back. Anyway, needless to say...I still tried to have a smoke and had a few drags off of Cathy's...which wasn't even any good since it was a menthol. I originally took a few drags from Cathy because Mike was having a cigar...which everyone said wasn't the same thing...I think that's bologna and tried to argue my side. I did however have wwwaaayyy too much to drink and just didn't care at that point. The last few things that I remember were arguing a little bit with Cathy, then sitting down for a while out back with everyone, then I went inside and grabbed my debit card, drivers license and cell phone...I was going to walk to the store and buy a pack a smokes. Really dumb! Needless to say...I did not end up trying to walk up there, however I remember going into my room crying and then waking up about 5:30 a.m. and everyone was gone. The other bad part of it...I remember other things happening, but do not know if they really happened or if I dreamt that they happened. (Yes...I am still having the all tooooo realistic dreams and it's starting to bother me. ) I thought I remember slamming a bunch of doors when I went in the house and then into my room for the night, then I also thought that I was talking to someone while I was crying and kept telling them that I didn't know why I was crying. (The only thing that I can think of why I was crying was because I was upset with myself...) Anyway, the next morning I woke up feeling a bit ill and feeling terribly stupid, embarrassed and confused. I asked Mike about stuff, but he had no clue....he didn't remember much of anything anyway. (I do know that I cried for real and not just dreamt it because when I woke up there were wadded up kleenex in the bed.) I just wish I knew what really happened, what I did or didn't do. Oh well...I am sure it will surface somewhere...

So anyway, onto these realistic dreams.....I actually stopped taking the medicine for 2 days to see if it would help or make a difference and I couldn't tell. However, I started taking it again as I was afraid that I would get a craving. I don't think we'll be taking the medicine too much longer because we're both doing good. Besides, Mike hasn't taken his in over a week or so anyway. We'll see....

We'll just see how these next couple of weekends go with the drinking.....however, I will probably always wish that I could just be a "social smoker"....nothing else, be done with it after that night, etc...hmmmm..... wonder if I could have cloves or something that was like a cigar....that's a thought.... ;o) LOL!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Weight: 135.2
I really felt the gain coming on this week. I'm not sure if I've been eating too much because of the not smoking or if it's just that I am eating too many things with points. I don't think I'm eating too much more than before, it's just that I am eating different things....not making good choices. The last few days I have been "shopping" for new recipes. I think I am getting bored with eating the same things over and over, which is why I'm not making very good food choices. Even though alot of the things are only a few's a few here, a few there and it all adds up.

I've been walking, maybe just not enough anymore. I've had the treadmill since mid-January and never tried the programs on there. So, the last two nights I did one of the programs. It was nice to have a bit of a change. The program does incorporate some running, which is a big change for me. I was actually able to run. :o) I do need to invest in a good sports bra though, it was a little rough on my boobs....LOL!